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Artiste : Alex G
Titre : Big Fish
If I could say, I would say
If I could walk away
If I could talk, I would talk
I´d walk around the block
Look at the way he walks in

Look how he tucks his shirt in
Let me behave in my way

Don´t ask me questions, Pa
You know I´m a big old fish now
Don´t ask me questions, Pa
You know I´m a big old fish now
You know I´m a big old fish now
You know I´m a big old fish now
You know I´m a big old fish now

Go get your rod
Get my rod
Let´s cast ´em off the dock
I caught a big fat monkey
Look at him squirming and jumping
Kill it in time to prepare
Pull out the bones and hair

Now comes my favorite part

Bubbling in the pot