Things just ainĀ“t the way that they used to be Back in the day when a man meant security After working hard all week Baby kick back and throw up your feet Let me fix you a little treat say it might be little bit sweet
But heĀ“s worth it He deserves it He may not be perfect HeĀ“s all the man I need HeĀ“s ready and willing Gives me the feeling And whenever weĀ“re together I know IĀ“m where I belong ItĀ“s just the way he looks into your eyes ItĀ“s the love he gives that makes you fantasize ItĀ“s the time he takes to show you that he cares And heĀ“s always there, donĀ“t you love that man? Things ainĀ“t the way they used to be When a woman and a man work hard to be Happy in love and staying together ooh LetĀ“s stay that way forever Never give in to a fight just try and work it out Never give up on him thatĀ“s not what loveĀ“s about
Stay true to your feelings and remember All the things heĀ“s done for you ItĀ“s just the way he looks into your eyes ItĀ“s the love he gives that makes you fantasize ItĀ“s the time he takes to show you that he cares And heĀ“s always there, donĀ“t you love that man? ItĀ“s just the way he looks into your eyes ItĀ“s the love he gives that makes you fantasize ItĀ“s the time he takes to show you that he cares And heĀ“s always there, donĀ“t you love that man? YouĀ“d better know IĀ“m talking about that old-school love That everlasting feeling canĀ“t never be too much Somebody loves you heart and soul Hold on, donĀ“t stop, better never let him go ItĀ“s just the way he looks into your eyes ItĀ“s the love he gives that makes you fantasize ItĀ“s the time he takes to show you that he cares
And heĀ“s always there, donĀ“t you love that man? ItĀ“s just the way he looks into your eyes ItĀ“s the love he gives that makes you fantasize ItĀ“s the time he takes to show you that he cares And heĀ“s always there, donĀ“t you love that man? ItĀ“s just the way he looks into your eyes ItĀ“s the love he gives that makes you fantasize ItĀ“s the time he takes to show you that he cares And heĀ“s always there, donĀ“t you love that man?