On the day that you left me ou said you had no regrets There´s a bond between us That hasn´t been broken yet And the feelings between us
Will never diappear How can you be far away When your spirits here
You´re still my man Nothing can change it We still belong together You´re still my man Nothing can change it Our love will last forever
And the seasons of our love Will always change I know Maybe that´s the reason You felt you had to go But soon you´ll be missing me Darling, I know you well There´s a magic we share together
And no one can break that spell
You´re still my man Nothing can change it We still belong together You´re still my man Nothing can change it Our love will last forever
I´ll wait for you The thought that keeps me going each day Is I believe you still love me I love you more than words can say
You´re still my man Nothing can change it We still belong together You´re still my man